They say that communication is a two-way street. There are always two or more people involved in an interaction. So when communication breaks down, maybe both people need to make changes so that communication can be better? That is essentially what communication partner training is all about. In this article, I’ll explain what it is, why we do it, and tips you can start implementing right now.
What is communication partner training?
Communication partner training is an intervention that involves a client AND a significant other. This other person is called the communication partner. They might be a spouse, sibling, child, or friend (anyone that the client talks to regularly).
How does communication partner training work?
First, we choose a communication partner to be involved in the training.
Next, we set goals. We will record a conversation between the client and their communication partner, to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
Then, we do the communication partner training. This can be done individually or in a group. The communication partner learns to use positive communication supports. By changing their communication, they can reveal the communication competence of the client. How fantastic is that.
Communication partner training can have a positive impact on a person’s life, by improving everyday conversations.
What evidence is there that communication partner training is effective?
Two high-quality randomised control trials have found that communication partner training results in improved communication outcomes for people after traumatic brain injury. Participants attended either group or individual therapy. Their conversations were compared before and after treatment. The research showed that the communication partners gained skills in providing communication feedback and support. By learning how to structure everyday communication, the people with traumatic brain injuries improved their participation in conversations.
What are some general tips for communication partners?
How can I find out more?
If you are a current client, please speak with your speech pathologist.
You can download our handout about it: Communication Partner Training
Check out these amazing online resources, which we have referenced in this article:
- Communication Strategies Toolkit, TBI Express:
- TBI ConneCT resources for clinicians and families: